A Challenge More Challenging Than Expected

Oh, dear! I knew this day would come but I put it off. Then I put it off again. And again. *sigh* Gary Vee says we should document our days. (*language alert on Gary Vee*) It's a way potential customers, readers, clients, etc. can get to know us. The time is now. I don't like listening to recordings of my own voice. There's a reason I write and that's because I don't speak very well when I talk aloud. My words come out clearly enough but sometimes the meaning is lost and I ramble a lot. So if you understand, or if you aren't bothered by such things, then by all means please continue on...

A Little History

I was singing on stage as a 4-5-year-old child in churches all over southern Louisiana. Singing in front of people is nothing new to me. But speaking to them is totally different in my head. The song is already written. You memorize the words and the tune, then regurgitate them. It isn't necessarily easy. But back then my memory was tons better and I didn't worry so much about what people thought. I sang because I loved it.
As a youth, I was part of a concert choir and a school choir. We did two musical productions each year. I tried out for a speaking role once because I felt like I should. I got a small part and decided after it was all over I was too nervous to try doing it again.

Fast Forward To The More Recent Past

Our family worked with some local theater groups from 2010 until 2017. I didn't mind reading for an absent actor or actress. But I refused every time the director tried to urge me to get onstage. I like the theater. I think it's great fun working with all the people involved. I just can't retain all those words and still manage to keep up with my day to day life. One would suffer and neither should have to. Besides my jitters are so terrible now. When I'm singing alone, I shake so badly, I'm amazed people can't hear it in my voice. Well, that's what they tell me anyway. I also get nervous when I'm performing in a group even when I'm not the focus of the attention.
I'm saying all that to say this...

Being Myself In The Present

I don't like speaking in front of people. But I will do my best because writing is something I have a passion about.  I know I'll make mistakes. I know it will take time to get the feel for it. I've come to terms with those things. My writing is fun and I love it. I want to share it with others.
I love connecting with others. I'm just better at doing that through chat messages, especially at first. (Though to be honest, there have been a few faux pas in that area, too. I wonder if they could've been avoided but...perhaps it's best they weren't.)

Here's what you can expect from my future videos:
  1. I will probably not be wearing any cosmetics. It's not who I am. I love them but they don't love me back and I just really don't have the time to get it perfect. No masks here...barring number 2.
  2. You might see me in disguise. I've been toying around with some ideas for traditional fashions of the different clans. If I can swing it, I'll create them IRL and wear them.
  3. I will probably use the dreaded "um" and "so" a lot, at least at first. I'll try to get rid of those as time goes by.
  4. I fight some nasty allergies so you may hear my voice in stuffy-mode or hoarse-mode. If you know that will irritate you, please don't watch. I won't be offended. I hate it, too, and Zyrtec can only do so much against a dust allergy. (Especially when you live near a gravel/dirt road and farmland!)
  5. I dress up for special events, not for conversing with friends. Don't expect me to look like several of the more popular authors out there. I'm no model and I'm not about to start pretending on that score. (Kudos to those who brave all the nasty stuff to make it in that profession...just saying.) This is part of that 'no masks' thing.
  6. Unless I am able to get a camera for my computer, don't expect videos very often. It's a bit of a  struggle to film on my tablet then load to my desktop. But I'm going to work on it.
  7. And I'm not stentorian but neither am I super bubbly. Don't expect a loud voice, or a cheery smile, or a bouncy sort of demeanor. I'm none of those things and (say it with me now) No Masks Here! I don't like cookie-cutter anything so I'll probably be breaking lots of rules when it comes to connecting with my readers.
So what does this new challenge entail?
  • Researching free video editing programs
  • Finding royalty free music I like
  • Learning how to put it all together in a format I like
  • Lots of trial and error
I might have been a bit over-zealous thinking I was ready to start creating videos this week. I may end up pushing the challenge back a week so I can get some practice in. I want to create a product that is worth your time and something I can be proud of...or at least satisfied with. :)
No photos today. No challenge post today. Maybe no challenge post tomorrow, either! But you can be certain I am not giving up.


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