The Camp Nano Boot Camp Challenge March 2018

The Camp Nano Boot Camp Challenge is hosted by @AuthorBrittanyWang. You can find her on Instagram by clicking on the photo.

Day 1: Spread the word! - I can be really clueless at the worst possible times. Yesterday was that day. NaNo does this "spread the word" thing, so sharing the details about Camp NaNo was the first thing I did for this challenge. I posted my participant badge here on the blog and updated my author page on Facebook and sent out a snapshot of that for the challenge. But --
This is what the hostess really meant by "Spread the Word." We were to share the challenge post photo and tag some friends to join in. So with no time left for my area but one to two hours to spare for the two time zones to the west of me, I gave the challenge a shout-out. What can I say? Most of my effort at logical thought is poured into making sure my family is being taken care of or into my writing. (3/2/2018)

Day 6: Are you writing or editing? - Definitely writing! I edited my first novel during CampNano last year and I felt horrible about it. I felt like it wasn't even a challenge. I'll tackle revisions and editing in the interim months. (3/7/2018)

Day 8: I didn't include my writing goal in the picture I created. I just kept it at the preset 50,000 words. I know I can achieve that much, but I'd like to see at least 75,000 words by the end of Camp. (3/9/2018)

Day 9: Yes. I set some pretty odd goals, I'm sure. But these are things we're likely to be able to afford and things I rarely allow myself...except for the extra cup of coffee and the extra hugs from family. :) Breakdown is as follows:
  1. 5000 words - an extra cup of coffee
  2. 10,000 words - a box of mochi
  3. 25,000 words - a new pot of calligraphy ink (I debated calling it a 'pot' of ink, then decided it was cute.)
  4. 50,000 words - extra hugs from family
  5. 75,000 words (bonus round) - SUSHI! (This is a rare thing indeed. And I absolutely love sushi.) (3/11/2018)
Day 11: I try to eat as healthy as possible on a daily basis anyway, so my writing fuel is pretty decent stuff. I like trail mix, which I enjoy putting together myself, and granola bars. I enjoy chips but I'm trying to cut back on the nasty kind and choose better ones like sweet potato chips and veggie chips. As for drinks, I just shared the same photo I used for my favorite writing drink in the #prettybookishchallenge on day 6. Those are coffee, kombucha, water, and tea. Instead of cream in my coffee, I use coconut milk or cashew milk. And I add honey instead of sugar to sweeten it. The other things, I don't add much to. Sometimes, I'll add lemon to my water. (3/12/2018)

Day 12: Tag A Writing Buddy - Mine are my oldest daughter, MissBumblina (who I met during my first NaNo event), and local author friend.

Day 13 - Writing Schedule - I don't have a dedicated writing schedule. First, I'm terribly bad at keeping one. No matter how well I plan, something always comes up and destroys it. I mostly work in the mornings and try to get in about 2-3 hours of work while the girls are working on the school things they can do by themselves. (3/14/2018)

Day 17: It says "Day 1" because the Pretty Bookish Challenge for Day 1 was also about the setting of the story. And being the scattered sort of person I am, I shared the setting for Surge when I should've shared the setting for Over Land and Under Stone. Oh, well... (3/20/2018)

Day 26: You'll notice a heavy emphasis on Ya'el in the inspiration board. I know her best and I know Serafin and Edrea a little better than the new characters I created for the upcoming novel. They are really at the forefront of my mind.
Day 27: One thing I can share here that I can't share on IG is my actual writing playlist on YouTube. So feel free to check it out. :) (3/28/2018)

Day 30: Who favorites a quote from Orson Welles? No one I know. LOL But this one had my name on it. Figuratively, of course. I've always felt a little bit out of my time.
Day 31: Y'all see that rocking mug on my desk? That's my essentially Cajun mug, made for me by one of my awesome friends. She's been my friend since Kindergarten. How many of you have a friend like that? Oh...and it basically means, "I've got the chills." Some of you might not know what that means so to translate even further, it's like getting goosebumps or chicken skin when something excites or moves you emotionally. So appropriate for my workspace, eh?

Not too terribly long... I hope you'll enjoy the slideshow.


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