The Blog Post Long Overdue

Apologies...sort of...
If there was a fine for missing blog posts, I'd owe a fortune. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays and NaNoWriMo, there hasn't been much elasticity in my schedule. Teaching my children and taking care of my home must come before my writing and my writing must come before my blogging. If I don't keep to that guideline, I feel terrible about everything. This way, I only feel a little upset that I'm not on my blogging schedule.

Post NaNo
I now have the raw materials to begin putting together my second novel thanks to NaNoWriMo. The new book takes place across the ocean on the second continent of Y'Dahnndrya. The feel is entirely different, which is good in some ways but might be bad in others. As I mentioned, "raw material"... I feel there are a lot of kinks to work out.
While I haven't written much during December, I did manage a poem. It's rough, needs a little tweaking, but I really like how the words landed on my screen. I also came up with a list of twelve titles (including the two existing written works). Whether there will be twelve books by the end of it all, is a story that only time will tell.

Near Future
As I continue on my writing journey, my excitement keeps pace with my nervousness. Will my audience like what I've done? Can I convey the story in a pleasant way? Will I even be able to purchase the necessary ISBNs and pay for a reputable editor? Who knows? But I will keep going, no matter how much time passes. That much I do know.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


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