Life, Live, Living, Lived

My husband celebrated his 50th birthday this year and wow! It really seems like there was never a time when he wasn't in my life. I can't thank God enough for sending him to me. So we wanted to do something really fun with the people who've loved and supported and encouraged both of us throughout our artistic journeys.

Planning a big party is no small feat. It's time consuming -- even more so if you're on a tight budget. I haven't had time for anything besides schoolwork with the girls and getting things ready for the party. I hope to get back on track next week by posting more chapters than usual. I won't give a definite number. That usually has the effect of jinxing me. But it is definitely a goal to work toward. So for those of you following my work on Wattpad, you have several chapters to look forward to next week! Yea!

Haven't read my work yet? You can read it here!

I know this is a short post but I wanted to update my readers. I haven't forgotten you -- or my story. Thanks for your continued support. You are loved!



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