New! "Ripples" Chapter 3 is Posted!

Ripples has been updated at Wattpad! You can now read chapter 3 of my book. I'll be posting the rest of the chapters at least every other day from now until all the chapters have been added (except for Sunday). You can read by clicking here or by using the link at the bottom of this post.

I discovered recently that it's going to take a miracle for me to be able to publish my book by October. While it's about 90% complete, our income just cannot handle the publishing part. For now, I'll simply post my work at Wattpad and keep refining it. Please do check out the work at Wattpad while I continue looking for a way to accomplish my goal.

There's nothing more frustrating than having the path to your goal blocked by some kind of wall. It makes me want to throw up my hands and cry. But since that accomplishes nothing, I'll keep going forward with the resources available to me. I am going to keep writing and keep imagining and keep on moving. Today I shared a modified quote from chapter three on my social media pages. The actual quote says --
"Surprise meetings, even if unpleasant at first, may result in the strongest friendships." ~ Seth Yi'in
I had to shorten it to use the app I like most. It came out pretty well. And it's a great way to publicize my story, I think.

I really enjoy sharing my ideas and thoughts in many different ways. Writing has opened up new doors for me and I can't wait to see where each one will lead.


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