"Ripples" Chapter 4 Posted; Fear, Discouragement, and Overthinking Defeated

I posted chapter 4 of Ripples on Wattpad today. My goal is to post two more chapters this week. I hope you are enjoying it. It would be great to get some feedback on my work. So far, I've only heard from family and friends.

I get really nervous when I tell people my book is a fantasy novel. It doesn't have unicorns (though I /love/ them!). Dragons do not show up. There are no elves, orcs, trolls, or sorcerers. I suppose the closest I get to  'magical' creatures are the ones who guard the borderlands between Shinnoah and M'Neshunnaya. If I had to compare them to a mythical beast, the closest I could get would probably be the kirin of Japan. I'm taking a huge risk, I think, by labeling my book fantasy instead of sci-fi, but there are really no sci-fi elements to my book at all. And none of the other genres fit. Then I realize I'm getting too bogged down in what-if's and remind myself to keep writing no matter what.

I suppose the only thing slowing me down now is discouragement. I will only be able to publish my work online for now. And I don't know when I'll gather all the funds I need to publish a physical copy of my book. But at least it's getting out there. At least people can read my work. And that's an awesome thing -- no small feat. I'm proud of the effort I've put in and the resulting words on paper. And I'm really looking forward to book two of the collection. More about that, next time! Thanks for stopping by and please check into Wattpad, read chapter four, leave a comment or two, and vote if you enjoy it!


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