Just a Little

MK. That's the person behind the keyboard, pen, and pencil. That's Me. Those initials stand for Melody Kittles.

RM. That's the person who will get all the fame (or infamy, or be totally ignored [Ha! Try to ignore me. I dare you.]) when my literary fantasy works are published. There's one book out right now. That's Ripples (Children of Y'Dahnndrya book 1) and you can find it at your favorite ebook retailer, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. That's Myself. Those initials stand for Robin McElveen.

So who is Robin McElveen (aka Melody Kittles)? And where did that pen name come from? My maternal grandmother's family name is McElveen. Robin is a name dear to me for reasons I won't go into here and now.

I grew up in the oddest place for such an imaginative soul. The heart of Cajun Country was no place for a Southern Baptist girl who took her religious training to heart, created things, sang, read voraciously and wrote. I enjoyed learning. I loved being outside but not like the other kids. I went outside to revel in the beauty of nature, the sound and smell of it. The others went outside to hunt, fish, go mudding, etc. I never saw the purpose of being dead drunk and the thought of big crazy parties makes me ill. And there are those who might say I've never truly lived until I've experienced those things. To them, I would say I've lived a thousand lifetimes in my books and in my time as a wife, mother, and military spouse.

Cajun Country is also no place for literary fantasy fiction -- especially in the rural areas. I'm friends with most of the people who will  be the first to give my books a try and that's not a long list. Thankfully, they are friends with more kindred spirits who share a love for the magic of 'what if'. And together, we will change the world! Oh, wait...well, we'll do what we can.

Why a blog? I already have my hands full being a wife and mother, a homeschool parent, and a writer. But I also realize the need for an online presence. There are lots of social media sites where you can find me. But the truth is, I try to stay away from them as much as possible. Being a stay-at-home mom, a homeschool parent, and a writer is like juggling two full-time jobs and one part-time obsession. On top of that, I want to go back to college since I never finished. There's just no time to get sucked into the feed and it's unavoidable on many of those sites. Having a blog provides a comfortable way to interact with my readers. I think interaction is important if we are to learn and grow.

This blog is the documentation of my writing journey -- my successes, failures, discoveries, creations, defeats and victories. I still read a lot and I like to share book reviews, so you'll see those here, as well. The last thing I'll share will be my thoughts on scriptures I read. Though I share those daily on Instagram, I'll probably only share these kinds of posts once a week. So there may be as many as three posts per week, but if time is short, you may see less. That's as much as I can guarantee for now. Even during the summer, my job as a homeschool parent will continue. If I can squeeze in an extra post somewhere along the way, I'll do that. I hope you'll join me and hang around for a while.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and while I might disagree in theory, in the case of me, it might be true. You really can't get a true picture of the controlled chaos that is Melody Kittles without some kind of visual aid. My husband is a photographer and took the portrait style photos you see in the video. The others are ones I took or asked my friends to take. I hope once you see the variety, you'll have a better idea of who I am and what you can expect in my work.  

(This post was originally created on the date listed, but was updated on 5/31/2020 to include book purchasing information, as well as an introductory video.)


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