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Better Late Than Forgotten

 I am going to get better at this. I am. My health hasn't been so great over the past couple of months. I've been struggling with a few issues. Add to that normal chores, plus wanting to clear clutter out of our home and having to rehome our precious cat, it's been something else.  Author Journey: I Have Been Working! I'm happy to report that while my blogging has lagged somewhat, my work in Y'Dahnndrya has picked up. I finally got around to running a better edit on a story I posted here on the blog several years ago before Ripples was published. If you've been following the blog since the beginning, you might remember the story - Purpose  - which was about a secondary character in the novel which followed. I've since edited it to read like a PDF book and plan to also create an epub version. Those will be available to subscribers soon via a Google drive link which I will share only in my new newsletter.  Yup. You heard me correctly. I'm switching email ...

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